Easter Tombola

Whitby Lions Club Easter Tombola

Whitby District Lion’s Club recently held our annual Easter tombola on Easter Saturday 16th April along Baxtergate in Whitby which raised an amazing £336. A great effort for a couple of hours work.  The club is very grateful to everyone who bought a ticket and donated prizes, all the children loved winning their chocolate Easter […]

51st Charter Night

Whitby Lion’s Club recently celebrated their 51st Charter Night at the Inn on the Moor in Goathland which was enjoyed by all who attended. The club’s charter night celebrates the club’s birthday from when it was formed 51 years ago. The club was due to hold a much larger charter night at the Whitby Pavilion last […]

£545 Raised From Ice Bucket Challenge!

THANK YOU! Unfortunately, due to government restrictions and the welfare of all, Whitby and District Lions club were not able to host their annual Boxing Day Dip in 2020. However, we did not let this dampen our fundraising spirits and instead ran an ‘Ice Bucket Challenge!’ Many of you were sponsored to brave an icy […]

Whitby Boxing Day Virtual Dip

The 2020 Whitby Lion’s Club Virtual Boxing Day Dip. Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic means that this year we’re going to have to try something different. Boxing Day Dip with a Difference. We challenge you to take a virtual dip in an ice bucket style challenge while raising money for your chosen charity. We don’t mind […]