Whitby & District Lion’s Club would like to announce that unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have taken the unprecedented decision to cancel our 2020 Boxing Day Dip. The club investigated all possible ways of holding the event, but due the Government and local guidelines/laws placed on holding such events, the club felt it had no other option but to cancel this event, along with our usual Christmas charity tombola.
Last year we had a record breaking response with over 200 dippers taking part and at least a thousand spectators supporting the event and joining in with the fun. As a result, the club raised over £14,000.00 for various local and national charities. We also featured on national television with BBC Breakfast filming live at the event on Boxing Day morning. We had hoped for an equally successful event this year and so this announcement comes with a heavy heart for prospective dippers, onlookers and charities.
The club would again like to thank everyone who entered, volunteered and supported last year’s Boxing Day Dip.
Hopefully, the situation will improve so that our events and more importantly our lives can get back to feeling something more towards normal during 2021. The club would like people to know that we are here to support our local community through these difficult times, please contact us if your local charity, organisation or club has been adversely affected by the pandemic and its restrictions.
We hope everyone stays safe and we will see you in the near future.